intuitive perception; to consider; to check
Kanji 1100
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Discover how 勘 bridges the brain’s hemispheres! This kanji represents both the sixth sense (which guides perceptions and hunches) and the ability to consider ideas and estimate profit. Learn to say, “Check, please,” “Put it on one bill,” and “Let’s split the bill,” as well as “I would do anything but that,” “Give me a break,” and “That smartphone looks nice, but he can’t afford it.”
Revision history:
Feb. 24, 2023: p. 9: In the caption under two book covers, I corrected one bit of vocabulary for the first title. That is, the verb in question is 伝える (つたえる: to hand down), not what I had before.
June 12, 2021: p. 2: Changed the breakdown of 鋭い勘 to “perceptive + intuition.”
Nov. 6, 2020: Originally published.