pleasant; joyful; pleased; enjoyable
Kanji 1861
pleasant; joyful; pleased; enjoyable
Thank you for visiting this Character Home Page. Below you'll find a synopsis of the essay. If you wish to read the full text, the PDF of the essay is available for purchase to the right.
Find out how to say "He is not a cheerful guy, to say the least," "The more, the merrier," “I’m really unhappy about this,” and "Nothing offends people more than broken promises." Learn how 愉 stacks up against 楽 and why they're sometimes interchangeable. Peruse covers of books that teach people how to enjoy life more even if they're aging or are unappealing to the opposite sex.
Revision history:
Mar. 13, 2021:
- p. 1, Character Profile: Added 癒 (healing) to the echoing series.
- p. 2: Added the new Henshall etymology.
- p. 9: Added a link to the Kanshudo games.
July 25, 2014: Originally published.