ear of grain plant; tip of pointed object
Kanji 1460
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How do a cattail, calligraphy pen, and fishing rod relate to 穂? When an ear of rice hangs low, what does that figuratively mean in Japan? How about a grafted plant? Which name for Japan means “Land of Abundant Rice”? Why would a faucet be compared to a rice plant on Amazon? Which French painting related to grain is famous in Japan? Read the essay to find all these answers and more!
Revision History:
Nov. 24, 2021:
- p. 2, Etymology Box: Replaced the Henshall etymology with the new one.
- p. 7: Corrected information about what I thought was a faucet but is actually a bell.
- p. 12: Added a link to the Kanshudo games.
Oct. 8, 2018: p. 8: In the striker photo, I corrected the yomi and definition of 少女 (しょうじょ: young girl) and changed the translation of the sign accordingly.
Nov. 9, 2017: p. 2: Corrected some botanical information. A cattail starts out looking like a corn dog, then grows whitish fluff, which then blows away, leaving the seed head looking like a corn dog again!
May 19, 2017: Originally published.