surprise; to startle; astonish; frighten; wonder; amaze
Kanji 1172
surprise; to startle; astonish; frighten; wonder; amaze
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Find out what this means to a Japanese person: "Right now I’m so surprised that my feelings are like a bluefin tuna from the shelf.” Also learn to say these things: "Much to my surprise, the door opened without a sound," "Everyone marveled at her courage," "The most precious thing in life is wonder," "I didn’t mean to surprise you," and "His stupid answer surprised everybody."
Revision history:
May 9, 2021:
- p. 2: Updated the Henshall etymology.
- p. 4: Deleted the paragraph about Nakajima’s declining the award, as that was inaccurate.
- p. 10: Added a link to the Kanshudo games.
Jan. 17, 2014: Originally published.