Essay 1113 on 憾 (to regret strongly) Is Now Out
The 144th essay has posted! Essay 1113 on 憾 (to regret strongly; be sorry; be dissatisfied) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

After reading this essay, you'll be able to understand scripted apologies devoid of sincerity; lambast something as "utterly deplorable"; say, "Your behavior leaves much to be desired"; and differentiate grudges fueled by resentment from those fueled by regret. You'll also know how the poet Basho made a region complain about its gloominess and how a piano prodigy publicized his regrets.
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Several games for older essays have also become available:
essay 1616 on 帝 (emperor, sovereign; god)
essay 1625 on 摘 (to pick, pluck; extract; trim; gather)
essay 1636 on 渡 (to cross; spread; hand over, deliver; ferry; go overseas)
essay 1639 on 怒 (anger)
essay 1640 on 豆 (bean; miniature)
essay 1643 on 倒 (to topple; fall; collapse; turn upside down)
essay 1731 on 碑 (inscribed stone monument; tombstone)
essay 1742 on 猫 (cat)
In addition, there are lots of new-monics:
戸 (108: door)
次 (292: next)
欠 (471: to lack)
涯 (1069: horizon)
皿 (1307: dish)
昔 (1481: past)
盗 (1649: to steal)
縛 (1701: to arrest)
戻 (1920: to return)
崖 (1977: cliff)