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Essay 1189 on 掘 (to dig) Is Up
Nov 8, 2013
The 102nd essay has posted! Essay 1189 on 掘 (to dig, excavate) is now up and available for purchase. Here's a preview:

People use this kanji for digging up crops, excavating ruins, and mining; 掘 is quite grounded. But if you dig a little, you'll soon spot its figurative side. This essay will teach you to say "That old book is a real find" and "Someone rear-ended me." Through this kanji you’ll find out about hidden treasure, an animal shaped like a tusk, and heating systems submerged in pits in the floor.
I have also issued a new version of essay 1777 on 塀 (fence; boundary wall; wall) after revising a photo caption on pages 6 and 7.