Essay 1380 on 遵 (to obey) Is Now Out
The 132nd essay has posted! Essay 1380 on 遵 (to obey, comply with, abide by, follow) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Find out about a kanji that means "to obey" but has alcohol at its heart! Learn to say "You should follow school regulations," "The Japanese are a law-abiding people," "Noncompliance will not be permitted," and "I feel no need to abide by the law as long as nobody is watching me." Also see how 遵 relates to 順, and learn terms for "civil disobedience" and "nonconformist."
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
A game is also newly available for the following essay:
essay 1695 on 拍 (beat (rhythmic); clapping)
I listed four other games in yesterday's "What's New," along with an announcement about the July newsletter and the launch of Ulrike's Mnemonics. Today two more mnemonics have posted:
1535 on 束 (bundle)
1664 on 匿 (to hide)
Be sure to check them out!