Essay 1386 on 升 (sho (1.8 liters); small wooden measuring box; square on a grid) Is Now Up
Essay 1386 on 升 (sho (1.8 liters); small wooden measuring box; square on a grid) is now up and available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Find out why the Japanese drink saké out of small wooden boxes. Learn how their role has changed in Japan over time, and see how they have brought out the playfulness in designers. Learn when to interpret 升 as a unit of measurement or as a container, and distinguish 升 from 枡, 斗, 合, and 昇, which have overlapping meanings. Finally, see why 升 is popular in a Chinese context.
Also, the February newsletter is now out, featuring terrific artwork with Chinese characters, great photos of Japan in the 1960s, and a round-up of everything you may have missed on Joy o' Kanji in February. There's also a fun new contest!
Finally, I've issued revisions for four essays:
Essay 1255 on 香 (fragrance, sweet smell; incense)
Essay 1633 on 斗 (dipper; 18 liters)
Essay 1899 on 竜 (dragon; imperial)
Essay 1985 on 亀 (turtle, tortoise)
The links take you to Character Home Pages, where you'll find details about the changes. If you have already bought these essays or if you have a subscription, you can download new versions for free forevermore!