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Essay 1608 on 漬 (pickle; to immerse, soak) Is Up
Oct 19, 2012
Essay 1608 on 漬 (pickle; to immerse, soak) is now up and available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Pickles as colorful as fall leaves are a key part of Japanese cuisine, from snacks to traditional meals. This essay presents an array of pickle types (including alcoholic ones!), pickle shop photos, and reasons for all this pickling. Literally and metaphorically, 漬 also means "immersion." Learn to say that you're up to your neck in work, drenched in sweat, or immersed in a language.
I've also re-posted essay 1989 on 巾 (cloth, towel; width) with very minor revisions, as explained on the Character Home Page there.