Essay 1651 on 塔 (tower; pagoda; monument) Is Now Up
Essay 1651 on 塔 (tower; pagoda; monument) is now up and available for purchase. Here's a preview:

This gorgeous photo essay explains the origins of the pagoda; presents historic pagodas in Japan; tells you how to talk about pagodas with 2, 3, or 5 tiers; and explains the "cosmology" of stone pagodas. From the Leaning Tower of Pisa to the literal and figurative Tower of Babel, you'll find out about towers, also discovering what it means to call someone a control tower.
Also, I've released minor revisions to the following essays:
Essay 1166 on 狭 (narrow, cramped, tight, constricted)
Essay 1742 on 猫 (cat)
Essay 1835 on 又 (again; and, also; on the other hand, or)
Essay 1987 on 臼 (mortar; millstone; hand mill)
The links take you to Character Home Pages, where you'll find out the details of what changed. If you've ever bought these essays or if you have a subscription, you can download revisions for free.