Essay 1806 on 忙 (busy) Is Now Out
The 150th essay has posted! Essay 1806 on 忙 (busy, occupied; restless) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Busyness is a key part of Japanese life. A wedding invitation may include an apology for having a ceremony at such a busy time. Learn to say that busyness is work-related. Find out how to read 忙しい with two yomi, each with different meanings. Discover terms for being busy versus simply looking busy. And enjoy sayings about finding odd moments of leisure when swamped.
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
In addition, there are several new-monics:
元 (106: origin)
弓 (836: bow)
兼 (850: concurrently)
頑 (1119: stubborn)
掲 (1198: to display)
玄 (1227: mysterious)
弦 (1228: bowstring)
玩 (1982: to play with)