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Essay 1848 on 滅 (destroy) Is Up
Aug 19, 2013
The 91st essay has posted! Essay 1848 on 滅 (to destroy, annihilate; cease to exist; ruin) is now up and available for purchase. Here's a preview:

With 滅 you can cut a wide swath of destruction. A generous supply of sample sentences will teach you to talk about everything from wiping out whole towns to eradicating diseases, as well as the fall of the Roman empire, the crumbling of traditions, and the extinction of species. You'll also learn terms for "recklessness" and "chaos," even finding out how to say "I'll make it up to you."
There's also a new version of essay 1936 on 郎 (male name suffix; counter for sons) with a typo corrected. Details are at the Character Home Page.