Essay 2031 on 羞 (to be shy) Is Now Out
The 152nd essay has posted! Essay 2031 on 羞 (to be shy; feel ashamed) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Find out how to say, "A bashful look came over her face," "These slums are a disgrace to our city," "I’m ashamed of my poor English," and "You ought to be ashamed of yourself." Learn to overcome performance anxiety, especially by seeing the audience as vegetables! Find out how the name of a popular band arose from a misreading of 羞. And read about famously shy people.
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
In addition, there are several new-monics:
出 (34: to exit)
区 (465: ward)
疾 (1331: rapidly)
湿 (1333: damp)
締 (1622: to tighten)
稲 (1656: rice plant)
忍 (1677: to endure)
並 (1775: row)