Essay 2051 on 遡 (going upstream) Is Now Out
The 139th essay has posted! Essay 2051 on 遡 (going upstream; retracing the past) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Learn to say that a temple dates back to the 9th century and that a conflict goes back to childhood. Find out how the Japanese say that they've hiked toward the source of a river or sailed up the Sumida. (The verb changes on the return trip!) See how the Japanese have been pioneers in time travel. Also become versed in the habits of salmon and the way their lives end in a noble but tragic way.
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Several games for older essays have also become available:
essay 1189 on 掘 (to dig, excavate)
essay 1196 on 恵 (blessing; favor)
essay 1214 on 剣 (sword; double-edged sword)
essay 1227 on 玄 (mysterious; occultness; blackness; profound)
essay 1248 on 更 (furthermore; to renew; change; grow late; brand-new; night watch)
essay 1706 on 髪 (hair on the head)
In addition, there are some new-monics:
屋 (236: roof)
士 (494: gentleman)
至 (875: peak)
缶 (1095: (tin) can)
吉 (1142: good luck)
詰 (1144: to pack into)
辛 (1432: spicy)