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Now Out: Essay 1007 on 維 (fiber) and 6 Revisions

The 474th essay has posted. Essay 1007 on 維 (fiber; to maintain; emphatic prefix) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

By mastering 維, you’ll be able to discuss dietary fiber, nerve fibers, and clothing fiber, as well as the textile industry. As 維 also means “to maintain,” you’ll learn to say, “Maintaining this car is expensive” and “I keep fit by jogging,” plus terms for “peacekeeping.” Our kanji even plays a role in words for “Meiji Restoration” and “Showa Restoration,” so you’ll learn essential, fascinating history. 

In addition, these essay revisions have posted:

Click the link for details about the changes. If you've bought these essays before or if you have a subscription, you can download new versions for free. 

Ulrike will return with more mnemonics.


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