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Now Out: Essay 1015 on 韻 (rhyme) and 6 New-Monics

The 462nd essay has posted. Essay 1015 on 韻 (rhyme) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

See how Eminem connects to 韻, which otherwise belongs in the rarefied territory of poets, visual artists, and linguists. Learn how to represent a lingering sound in kana and how to say, “Using this kanji would be better for rhyming,” “I would briefly define poetry as the rhythmic creation of beauty,” “He wrote several plays in verse,” and “That poem mixes prose with poetry.”

Also, Ulrike has created these new-monics:

偉 (1005: great)
陰 (1013: shade)
隠 (1014: to hide)
援 (1026: help)
縁 (1030: relation)
押 (1033: to push)


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