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Now Out: Essay 1050 on 暇 (free time) and 5 Revisions
Jan 12, 2024
The 512th essay has posted! Essay 1050 on 暇 (free time; leave) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

I also posted revisions of these essays:
- essay 1354 on 舟 (small boat; “boat” radical)
- essay 1550 on 滝 (waterfall)
- essay 1625 on 摘 (to pick, pluck; extract; trim; gather)
- essay 1806 on 忙 (busy, occupied; restless)
- essay 1829 on 麻 (hemp, flax; to become numb; “hemp” radical)
Click on the links for details. If you've bought these essays before or if you have a subscription, you can download new versions for free.