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Now Out: Essay 1055 on 稼 (earning money), 2 Revisions, and 4 New-Monics

The 421st essay has posted! Essay 1055 on 稼 (earning money; gaining an advantage) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

This Jekyll and Hyde character represents both hard work and thievery, and the samurai may have given 稼 its shady connotation! Learn to say, “I earn my keep,” “Losing their breadwinner was a shock to that family,” “I’ll make a little money, and Mr. White will never know,” “The factory is running at full capacity,” “It seems you're raking in the money,” and “I wish I earned more money.”

Also, revisions of the following essays posted:

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Finally, Ulrike created the following new-monics:

根 (282: root)
氷 (378: ice)
隊 (540: group)
軌 (1125: track)


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