Now Out: Essay 1064 on 皆 (all), a Radical Note, 5 Essay Revisions, and 8 New-Monics
The 168th essay has posted! Essay 1064 on 皆 (all, everything; everyone) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Find out about a kanji that invites you to make sweeping statements. Rich in sample sentences, this essay teaches you to say, "They were all confused," "Our professor paid for us all," "I don’t like any of them," "How’s everyone at the Hong Kong office?" and "May I please have your attention." See how 皆 connects to Buddhist thought, fabric dyeing, health insurance, and eclipses.
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
There's also a new Radical Note up on the site! Radical Note 106 is on 白, the "white" radical. This resource is FREE!
On top of that, five essay revisions have posted:
Essay 1021 on 越 (to cross over; exceed, surpass; move; Vietnam)
Essay 1685 on 杯 (saké cup; cupfuls)
Essay 1761 on 舞 (dance)
Essay 1794 on 抱 (to embrace; hold in arms; hug; harbor (e.g., grudge, suspicion); have sex)
Essay 1977 on 崖 (cliff, precipice)
You'll find details at the links. If you've bought these essays in the past or if you have a subscription, you can download the revisions for free.
Finally, Ulrike has produced a new batch of new-monics (which are free!):
源 (853: source)
好 (859: to like)
紅 (862: crimson)
骨 (867: bone)
座 (870: seat)
私 (876: I)
姿 (877: figure)
就 (890: to set out to do)