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Now Out: Essay 1087 on 渇 (thirst), 2 Revisions, and 4 New-Monics

The 359th essay has posted! Essay 1087 on 渇 (thirst; drying up; craving) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

This kanji is both about having insufficient amounts of things (whether water, money, love, or phosphorus) and thirsting for them physically or psychologically. Learn to say, “I’m hungry and thirsty,” “Eating spicy food makes you thirsty,” “I satisfied my craving for nature,” and “Our people thirst for independence.” Also find out which verb quenches thirst and learn how to paint with a dry brush.

Master the material in this essay by playing games from our partner Kanshudo.

Also, I continue to post essay revisions. The two latest are of free essays:

essay 1028 on 猿 (monkey)

essay 1492 on 扇 (fan)

You can see changes at the links. The simplest way to download new versions would be from the Join Us page.

Finally, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):

遂 (1458: to accomplish)
逐 (1578: one by one)
婆 (1684: elderly woman)
廃 (1687: to abolish)


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