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Now Out: Essay 1087 on 渇 (thirst), 2 Revisions, and 4 New-Monics
Dec 20, 2019
The 359th essay has posted! Essay 1087 on 渇 (thirst; drying up; craving) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Master the material in this essay by playing games from our partner Kanshudo.
Also, I continue to post essay revisions. The two latest are of free essays:
essay 1028 on 猿 (monkey)
essay 1492 on 扇 (fan)
You can see changes at the links. The simplest way to download new versions would be from the Join Us page.
Finally, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):
遂 (1458: to accomplish)
逐 (1578: one by one)
婆 (1684: elderly woman)
廃 (1687: to abolish)