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Now Out: Essay 1106 on 敢 (to dare to do) and 4 New-Monics

The 420th essay has posted! Essay 1106 on 敢 (to dare to do; brave; (not) particularly) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Find out how to talk about taking decisive steps, having courage, doing things deliberately, and taking action just for now. See how once-disgraced entrepreneur Takafumi Horie has connections to our star kanji. And learn to say, “Brave as he was, he recoiled at the sight,” “He was brave enough to go there alone,” and “Boldness sometimes has dangerous consequences.”

Also, Ulrike created the following new-monics:

拷 (1269: torture)
如 (1383: as)
松 (1394: pine)
津 (1434: harbor)

Finally, I'm thrilled to announce that we have finalized definitions for all Joyo kanji. That is to say, my proofreader and I scrutinized each of the 2,136 kanji and consulted various dictionaries, doing our best to choose the most important meanings. Ulrike then diligently updated all mnemonics that had been based on older definitions, as well as doing considerable work to input the new definitions into the Joy o' Kanji system. I'm deeply grateful to both of them and filled with relief! This process has taken forever! But it was worth it. Now when you see definitions of a kanji on a Character Home Page, you can trust that those meanings have our full confidence.


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