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Now Out: Essay 1134 on 宜 (good) and 5 New-Monics

The 368th essay has posted! Essay 1134 on 宜 (good; best regards) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

With 宜 we can talk about timing (e.g., We provide timely information), convenience (e.g., For convenience I’m including everyone on this email), and suitability (e.g., Do as you see fit). The kanji also pops up in greetings (e.g., Say hello to your sister for me), phrases about permission (e.g., May I come and see you tomorrow?), and advice (e.g., It would be better to tear it down).

Also, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):

乾 (1099: dry)
膨 (1817: to expand)
癒 (1863: healing)
乞 (2008: to beg)
痩 (2054: thin)


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