Now Out: Essay 1150 on 朽 (decay), 2 Radical Notes, 1 Revision, and 6 New-Monics
The 465th essay has posted. Essay 1150 on 朽 (decay) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Two Radical Notes have posted:
• Radical Note 111 on 矢, the “arrow" radical
Find out why an arrow flew into kanji such as 知 (169: to know), 短 (342: short), and 矯 (1170: to correct)!
• Radical Note 132 on 自, the “oneself" radical:
See why this radical is in both 自 (134: self) and 臭 (1356: stink)!
These resources are free!
Also, I've revised the following essay:
essay 1749 on 怖 (fear; scary; afraid)
Click on the link for details. If you've bought this essay before or if you have a subscription, you can download the new version for free.
Finally, Ulrike has created these new-monics, which are also free:
党 (946: political party)
批 (963: criticism)
枚 (976: flat things)
訳 (982: translation)
幼 (985: childhood)
覧 (991: to look)