Now Out: Essay 1178 on 琴 (Japanese Zither), 2 Revisions, and a Knockout Testimonial
The 218th essay has posted! Essay 1178 on 琴 (Japanese zither; stringed instrument; Western instrument) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

The koto (Japanese zither) connects to dragons, blindness, class differences, rice paddies, marriage, and an important myth. Find out why one needs to read each 琴 in 琴の琴 with different yomi. See which natural feature in Japan was named after a type of 琴, and learn about hidden kotos in the garden. Also discover certain Japanese words that always pull on people's heartstrings.
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Revisions of these essays have also posted:
essay 1777 on 塀 (fence; boundary wall; wall)
essay 2071 on 爪 (nail, claw, talon; hoof; "claw" radical)
You can find details at the link. If you've bought these essays before or if you have a subscription, you can download new versions for free.
Ulrike of Ulrike's Mnemonics is on vacation and will return soon.
Finally, one subscriber wrote these thoughts about Joy o' Kanji on its Facebook page:
I love this website! The best thing about these essays is that they are very empowering. The task of learning kanji is very daunting and after studying with these essays I felt that I could totally do it! I could read the shop signs, product packaging, book covers, etc., and it felt like I suddenly had a magic power for kanji understanding. I can imagine how much effort was put behind each essay! It's definitely must-have material for anyone studying the Japanese language. Thank you! ~David Holtom
That was too good not to share with you!