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Now Out: Essay 1213 on 倹 (thrifty), Radical Note 28, 4 Revisions, and 5 New-Monics
Jan 27, 2022
The 431st essay has posted! Essay 1213 on 倹 (thrifty; modest) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Also, Radical Note 28 on the “katakana mu" radical 厶 has posted. Find out about a radical with no fixed meaning, a shape that has helped people represent whatever they needed to depict in the moment.
Furthermore, four essay revisions have posted:
- essay 1011 on 芋 (potato; sweet potato; taro; yam; tuber)
- essay 1052 on 靴 (shoes, footwear)
- essay 1188 on 屈 (to bend; yield; flinch; submit; crouch)
- essay 1278 on 婚 (marriage; wedding)
For details, see the links. If you've bought these essays before or if you have a subscription, you can download new versions for free.
Finally, Ulrike created the following new-monics:
忌 (1122: mourning)
渓 (1199: ravine)
迅 (1448: quick)
陣 (1450: battle formation)
尋 (1451: to investigate)