Now Out: Essay 1234 on 鼓 (drum), 1 Revision, and 7 New-Monics
The 172nd essay has posted! Essay 1234 on 鼓 (drum; to beat; encourage, muster; “drum” radical) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Learn about a wide range of Japanese drums, including the small, ropy type played on the shoulder. See what "taiko" means in Japan versus abroad, and learn how ensemble drumming was created quite recently. Also discover traditional drumming contexts, from the battlefield to the shrine to the theater. Find out which "drums" you can consume and where drums lie in the human body!
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
An essay revision has also posted:
essay 2051 on 遡 (going upstream; retracing the past)
You'll find details at the link.
Also, Ulrike has produced a new batch of new-monics (which are free!):
張 (752: to expand)
得 (761: to acquire)
徳 (762: virtue)
任 (764: office)
能 (766: ability)
破 (767: to break)
非 (773: not)