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Now Out: Essay 1254 on 郊 (outskirts), 2 Radical Notes, and 5 New-Monics
Nov 18, 2022
The 466th essay has posted. Essay 1254 on 郊 (outskirts; suburb) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Two Radical Notes have posted:
• Radical Note 129 on 聿, the “writing brush" radical
See why it seems as if this radical is on duty in the wrong Joyo kanji!
• Radical Note 131 on 臣, the “minister (of state)" radical:
Find out how, although 臣 (512: servant) resembles a segment of a brick wall, that kanji and the identical radical represent something round!
These resources are free!
Finally, Ulrike has created these new-monics, which are also free:
拝 (956: worship)
班 (960: group)
否 (962: no)
陛 (967: imperial palace steps)
訪 (972: visit)