Now Out: Essay 1409 on 詳 (detailed), Revisions, and New-Monics
The 153rd essay has posted! Essay 1409 on 詳 (detailed; knowing well) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Through this essay you’ll learn how to ask in Japanese for further details, say that an artist is unknown, and mention that Apple sued several unidentified individuals. You'll also be able to say, "It's natural that he knows a lot about Miles Davis," "Are you familiar with this area?" and "The prime minister elaborated on the financial crisis." With these details (詳), you'll know 詳 well (詳しい)!
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Two essay revisions have posted:
essay 1373 on 旬 (10-day period; season (for specific products))
essay 1388 on 匠 (master, craftsperson, artisan; skill; idea)
You'll find details at the links.
In addition, there are several new-monics:
感 (246: emotion)
主 (299: lord)
丸 (830: round)
兆 (939: to portend)
憾 (1113: to regret strongly)
駆 (1183: to run (race))
眺 (1591: to stare)
逃 (1642: to escape)