Now Out: Essay 1425 on 醸 (to brew) and Radical Note 164 on 酉 ("Saké")
The 256th essay has posted! Essay 1425 on 醸 (to brew, distill; cause) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

If you went by the primary meaning of 醸 (brewing) or by the “saké” radical, you’d have no idea why 醸 pops up in sentences about a house with a strange layout, sad violin playing, a chair that feels luxurious, political controversies, and so on. The essay shows why! It also explains terms related to brewing alcohol, as well as types of ginjo saké (and how it has become less flabby!).
Using the accompanying game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
In conjunction with that essay, Radical Note 164 on the "saké" radical 酉 has posted. Radical Notes are free!
Ulrike has extended her vacation but will definitely return with new mnemonics next week!