Now Out: Essay 1492 on 扇 (fan) and 5 New-Monics
The 260th essay has posted! Essay 1492 on 扇 (fan) is now available and FREE! This sample essay gives a better idea than older sample essays do of what Joy o' Kanji essays now contain. Here's a preview:

You might be envisioning a handheld fan as a dainty item held by a dainty woman, but war commanders used to hold fans, and fans have served as weapons! Far from being confined to a genteel world, 扇 plays a role in words about instigating trouble. Learn about two shapes of fans and see how they influence animal and plant names, as well as descriptions of many everyday objects.
Using the accompanying game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Also, Ulrike has produced the following new-monics (which are free!):
肪 (1810: animal fat)
臆 (1969: timidity)
股 (2004: crotch)
脊 (2042: spine)
脇 (2112: side of body)