Now Out: Essay 1499 on 薦 (to recommend) and 8 New-Monics
The 160th essay has posted! Essay 1499 on 薦 (to recommend, advise; mat) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

People typically use this kanji to recommend things (e.g., restaurants, books, and hotels) or people (e.g., for positions). But 薦 also has connections to everything from saké barrels, straw mats, and wall coverings to Shinto rituals, flute-playing priests, and beggars, as well as the sacrum, wild rice, and azuki beans. This essay explores the relationships between these disparate themes!
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There are also several new-monics (which are free!):
林 (75: grove)
西 (152: west)
業 (260: business)
歯 (290: tooth)
令 (603: order)
鬼 (1128: devil)
麻 (1829: hemp)
魔 (1832: demon)