Now Out: Essay 1558 on 濁 (Muddiness), a Revision, and 5 New-Monics
The 210th essay has posted! Essay 1558 on 濁 (muddiness; impurity; voiced) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

A lack of transparency holds fascinating secrets, and so it is with the muddiness of 濁. This kanji connects to evasive answers, impure hearts, and "muddy streams" in finance, plus muddied sounds, murkiness in the body and mind, and figurative birds that may or may not muddy waterways. Learn about saké production, and find out what "A bad boy drinks tea" could mean!
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Also, a revision of essay 1020 on 悦 (delight, pleasure, happiness, joy) has posted. If you've bought this essay before or if you have a subscription, it's free to download the revision.
Finally, Ulrike has produced a batch of new-monics (which are also free!):
者 (298: person)
暑 (313: hot (weather))
都 (355: metropolis)
悲 (375: sad)
署 (897: government office)