Now Out: Essay 1587 on 駐 (parking) and Several Reissued Essays
The 112th essay has posted! Essay 1587 on 駐 (parking; residing in; stationed) is now available for purchase. The essay is the last of four exploring kanji with the "horse" radical, 馬 in honor of the Year of the Horse. Here's a preview:

I have also reissued four essays after making improvements:
Essay 1028 on 猿 (monkey): The two photos on p. 7 are now improved. This is the free essay. Because of a temporary technical problem, people who are logged in might have trouble accessing the essay from the Essays page. But it downloads fine from the Join Us page.
Essay 1166 on 狭 (narrow, cramped, tight, constricted): I made slight improvements to the first photo caption on p. 3.
Essay 1989 on 巾 (cloth, towel; width): I made slight improvements to the first photo caption on p. 7.
Essay 2005 on 虎 (tiger; drunkard): I adjusted answer #5 on p. 6 in Answers to Quick Quiz 1.