Now Out: Essay 1590 on 彫 (to carve), Some Exciting Announcements, and 3 New-Monics
The 349th essay has posted! Essay 1590 on 彫 (to carve; sculpt; chisel; tattoo) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Essay 1590 has played a role in two exciting collaborations!
I'm thrilled to announce that over the next weeks and months, you'll be able to play more and more games (eventually as many as 10 or so!) that draw on the material in the essays, all thanks to our clever partner Kanshudo!
Also, Japan expert Alice Gordenker and her colleagues have made a forthcoming documentary about people with traditional Japanese tattoos and the annual pilgrimage they undertake. To fund the film, the team created a Kickstarter campaign and offered various perks. Joy o' Kanji essays were one of the perks! People who pledged $30 will receive all of the following from Joy o' Kanji:
• essay 1590 on 彫 because this kanji is integrally related to traditional Japanese tattoos
• essay 1996 on 詣 (to visit a holy place) because of the pilgrimage theme of the movie
• credit toward a subscription
I'm honored and thrilled to have been involved in this way, and I can't wait to see the movie! Essay 1590 includes vivid photos of tattooed individuals and of the pilgrimage, all thanks to Alice!
Finally, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):
僚 (1909: colleague)
寮 (1910: dormitory)
療 (1911: medical treatment)