Now Out: Essay 1761 on 舞 (dance), Radical Note 136, and 2 Revisions
The 121st essay has posted! Essay 1761 on 舞 (dance) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Traditional Japanese dance may seem tangential to your life, but it has connections to the gods, so don't overlook it! Also, 舞 is a core part of Nihongo, factoring into terms for bustling activity, story settings, being in the limelight, behaving well or badly, treating others to meals, visiting the sick, seasonal greeting cards, and closing up shop, as well as the words for kabuki and butoh.
I've also greatly beefed up Radical Note 136 on 舛, the "dancing legs" radical. Before, it contained just one sentence, redirecting people to a Thematic Explorations piece. Now there's a discussion of 舛.
Finally, I've posted two essay revisions:
I added a terrific photo to essay 1183 on 駆 (to run (race)).
I corrected a typo in essay 1593 on 嵐 (storm; mountain air)