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Now Out: Essay 1819 on 朴 (simple) and 3 New-Monics
Oct 25, 2019
The 354th essay has posted! Essay 1819 on 朴 (simple; magnolia) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

The 朴 kanji, which looks like a child’s drawing, represents the full range of simplicity, from basic questions, straightforward flavors, and honest villagers to naivete and artlessness. Learn to say, “This may be a silly question, but …,” “It’s an apple pie with a simple flavor,” “The plain and simple style of this cartoon is impressive,” and “He is an unsophisticated man.”
Master the material in this essay by playing games from our partner Kanshudo.
Also, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):
棒 (975: rod)
奉 (1793: to offer)
俸 (1797: salary)