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Now Out: Essay 1827 on 凡 (mediocre), 6 New-Monics, and Origami Magazine
Nov 13, 2020
The 392nd essay has posted! Essay 1827 on 凡 (mediocre; general; approximately) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Also, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):
復 (782: returning)
覆 (1765: cover)
庸 (1875: medium)
溶 (1878: to dissolve)
裸 (1886: naked)
履 (1896: footwear)
Finally, I mentioned in a past newsletter that the magazine Origami had featured a Joy o' Kanji essay in the debut issue of its relaunch. That issue is now online, and the beautiful presentation of all the content knocked me out! Check out page 26 to see how the editor has creatively reenvisioned essay 1608 on 漬 (pickle; to immerse, soak).