Now Out: Essay 1881 on 窯 (kiln), Radical Note 116, and New-Monics
The 154th essay has posted! Essay 1881 on 窯 (kiln; oven) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

This photo-rich essay brings you into the fascinating world of kilns in Japan, where people have fired pottery for 10,000 years! One kiln is named for a snake. Another climbs hills and requires people to stoke the fire around the clock for weeks. Find out about "kiln effects," wherein flying ash enhances a pot's beauty. Also learn to talk about baking food in ovens and building your own wood oven!
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
In addition, Radical Note 116 on 穴 (the "hole" radical) has posted. This resource is free.
Finally, there are several new-monics (also free):
未 (794: not yet)
屈 (1188: to bend)
掘 (1189: to dig)
撮 (1305: to take pictures)
朱 (1346: vermilion)
珠 (1349: pearl)
駐 (1587: parking)
挑 (1589: to challenge)
釣 (1592: to fish)