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Now Out: Essay 1919 on 励 (to encourage) and 5 New-Monics

The 387th essay has posted! Essay 1919 on 励 (to encourage; strive; diligent) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Inspiring others, and working so diligently that one torments oneself! Our kanji spans these very different ideas, with zeal as the connection. Learn to say, “She encouraged him to write a novel,” “His success greatly encouraged me,” and “Give her a pep talk,” as well as “Instead of taking a break, he worked much harder than usual” and “Her courage during her illness is an inspiration to us all.”

Also, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):

妹 (207: younger sister)
代 (338: substitute)
貸 (747: to lend)
髄 (1463: marrow)
袋 (1546: bag)
諭 (1862: to admonish)


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