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Now Out: Essay 1957 on 椅 (chair) and Three Revisions

The 459th essay has posted. Essay 1957 on 椅 (chair) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Find out how to say, “The curve of this chair makes it feel luxurious,” “In the center stood a desk with a red leather swivel chair,” and “This easy chair is comfortable.” Learn to use “musical chairs” figuratively and see how 椅子 (chair) connects to “He is a shoo-in to win the presidency.” Read about what it really means when a restaurant worker offers seating in a chair or on the floor.

I've also posted revisions of these essays:

See the links for details. If you've bought these essays before or if you have a subscription, you can download the new versions for free.

Ulrike will return with more great mnemonics!


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