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Now Out: Essay 1965 on 媛 (princess), 3 Radical Notes, and 5 New-Monics
Jan 19, 2023
The 473rd essay has posted. Essay 1965 on 媛 (princess; highly regarded woman) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

In addition, these Radical Notes have posted:
- Radical Note 150 on 谷, the “valley” radical: Learn what to call this radical, and find out what the cutely symmetrical 谷 (122: valley) represents etymologically.
- Radical Note 155 on 赤, the “red” radical: Discover the surprising figurative sense of a term for "bright red." Also find out what's really going on inside 赤 (46: red) and 赦 (1336: to pardon) etymologically.
- Radical Note 158 on 身, the “body" radical: As 身 primarily means "body," one would expect ancient forms to depict a man's physique, but that's far from the case! See what inspired the old shape.
Finally, Ulrike has created these new-monics, which are free:
置 (545: to place)
典 (552: reference book)
徒 (554: follower)
敗 (562: to be defeated)
費 (567: expense)