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Now Out: Essay 1967 on 旺 (vigorous)
Aug 16, 2019
The 346th essay has posted! Essay 1967 on 旺 (vigorous) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

If you’re a spirited sort, this essay is for you! It’s about being full of energy, drive, vitality, curiosity, and the like. And it will teach you to say all of this: "This school’s ideal is to help students grow to be full of verve," "He’s not afraid to take on challenging work," and "He is writing prolifically." On the flip side, the essay sheds light on Jabba the Hutt’s less-than-laudable appetites.
Using the accompanying game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Ulrike has the week off.