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Now Out: Essay 2015 on 采 (dice) and 3 New-Monics

The 352nd essay has posted! Essay 2015 on 采 (dice; appearance) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Find out about a kanji that carries meanings as disparate as “dice” and “appearance” while popping up in terms for “baton” and “cheering.” Learn to discuss leadership roles and discover a link between dice and food. See ways of saying, “We rolled dice to decide whose turn it was,” “She bowed to acknowledge their cheering,” and “He has a slightly foreign appearance.”

Master the material in this essay by playing games from our partner Kanshudo.

Also, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):

宿 (505: lodging)
縮 (893: to contract)
伯 (1694: parent's older sibling)


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