Now Out: Essay 2080 on 栃 (horse chestnut), 3 Essay Revisions, and 9 New-Monics
The 158th essay has posted! Essay 2080 on 栃 (Japanese horse chestnut tree) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Find out about the Japanese horse chestnut tree, and see how it has contributed to cuisine in Japan. Learn why 栃 figures into the name of a medicinal plant that has nothing to do with the Japanese horse chestnut tree. Discover the highlights of Tochigi Prefecture, and see how its flag features 栃 in a creative way. Also learn figurative terms involving a rolling pin!
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Three essay revisions have also appeared:
essay 1167 on 恐 (fear; dread; awe; overwhelmed (e.g., with gratitude); probably)
essay 1625 on 摘 (to pick, pluck; extract; trim; gather)
essay 1749 on 怖 (fear; scary; afraid)
You'll find details at the links.
Finally, there are several new-monics (which are free!):
共 (460: together)
暴 (793: outburst)
亡 (973: deceased)
爆 (1702: bomb)
忙 (1806: busy)
冒 (1812: to risk)
憂 (1871: melancholy)
与 (1873: to bestow)
揺 (1877: to shake)