Now Out: Essay 2095 on 氾 (to Spread Out), 2 Essay Revisions, and 5 New-Monics
The 237th essay has posted! Essay 2095 on 氾 (to spread out) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Learn to talk about literal floods, saying things like "This river sometimes overflows after the snow melts" and "The river flooded a wide area." Also find out about figurative floods (e.g., a flood of colors or a flood of desires), learning how to say "Our everyday language is flooded with Western words." Discover when the Japanese use 氾濫 versus 洪水, another word for "flood."
Using the accompanying game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Also, revisions of the following essays have posted:
essay 1252 on 洪 (flood, deluge; vast)
essay 2025 on 鹿 (deer; "deer" radical)
You'll find details about the changes at the links. If you've bought these essays before or if you have a subscription, you can download revisions for free.
Finally, Ulrike has produced a batch of new-monics (which are free!):
記 (95: to write down)
前 (159: before)
知 (169: to know)
痴 (1575: idiot)
煎 (2044: to roast)