Now Out: Essay 2099 on 眉 (eyebrow), 2 Radical Notes, 2 Revisions, and 7 New-Monics
There's lots of news today!
The 440th essay has posted! Essay 2099 on 眉 (eyebrow) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Two Radical Notes are now available:
- Radical Note 148 on 角, the “horn” radical:
Find out what kind of horn 角 (243: horn) represents, and see why there’s a horn in 解 (632: to take apart). Also learn what a caterpillar needs with a horn in 触 (1428: to touch).
- Radical Note 188 on 骨, the “bone” radical:
See why the name of the radical in 骨 (867: bone), 髄 (1463: marrow), and 骸 (1979: corpse) seems perfect, and find out how to eat soft bones.
Revisions of the following essays have posted:
- essay 1432 on 辛 (spicy; bitter; dry taste; salty; severe; painful; "bitter" radical)
- essay 1821 on 墨 (black inkstick; black ink; Mexico)
If you've bought these essays before or if you have a subscription, you can download the new versions for free.
Finally, Ulrike created the following new-monics:
該 (1071: corresponding)
換 (1105: exchange)
閑 (1109: idle)
緩 (1112: loose)
還 (1114: to return)
環 (1115: ring)
艦 (1116: warship)