Now Out: Essay 2128 on 拉 (To Abduct), 2 Revisions, and 5 New-Monics
The 214th essay has posted! As the Joyo set contains 2,136 kanji, this means there are now essays about 10 percent of those characters!
Essay 2128 on 拉 (to abduct; pull; crush; ラ sound) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Find out all about the bizarre "abduction issue" in Japan, a mystery that has persisted for decades. Delve into questions about the origins of ramen and various ways of representing that word. Discover a manga character inspired by noodles! Learn to use 拉 to indicate that you've been crushed by misfortune or weighed down by worries. And see how such random meanings all connect to 拉.
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Also, revisions of the following essays have posted:
essay 1021 on 越 (to cross over; exceed, surpass; move; Vietnam)
essay 1335 on 芝 (lawn grass)
The latter essay is free. As for essay 1021, if you've previously bought that essay or if you have a subscription, you can download the revision for free.
Finally, Ulrike has produced a batch of new-monics (which are free!):
曲 (261: piece of music)
農 (366: farming)
豊 (790: abundant)
濃 (1681: concentrated)
艶 (1966: glossy)