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Now Out: Essay 2132 on 慄 (to tremble) and 6 New-Monics
Oct 9, 2020
The 388th essay has posted! Essay 2132 on 慄 (to tremble; fear) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:
Learn to talk about what makes people shake like a leaf, including horror movies. Find out how to say, “They were horrified by the news,” “She was trembling with fear,” “The news of the bizarre accident made TV viewers shudder,” “In a shaking voice she cried, ‘Help!’” and “The armed hijackers terrified the passengers.” Also read about the time Japanese forces fought in India.
Also, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):
危 (831: danger)
后 (858: after)
醜 (1359: ugly)
汁 (1361: juice)
弔 (1588: mourning)
厄 (1859: unlucky)