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Now Out: Essay 2134 on 瞭 (clear) and 3 New-Monics
Oct 4, 2019
The 351st essay has posted! Essay 2134 on 瞭 (clear, obvious) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

If you appreciate things that are easy to understand, 瞭 is for you. It enables you to talk about clear explanations and user-friendly products, as well as things that are obvious, including the results of tests, someone’s romantic feelings, and secret alliances between countries. Learn to say, “Your opinion is off the mark. That’s clear to anyone” and “Will you please explain it more clearly?”
Master the material in this essay by playing games from our partner Kanshudo.
Also, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):
避 (1733: to avoid)
壁 (1780: wall)
癖 (1781: habit)