Now Out: Essay 2136 on 呂 (ロ sound)
The 325th essay has posted! Essay 2136 on 呂 (ロ sound) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Using the accompanying game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
As there are 2,136 Joyo kanji, 呂 (kanji 2136) is the last in a long list on Joy o' Kanji! And because Joy o' Kanji numbering is based on Henshall's numbering of the 1,945 kanji in his original edition, I thought our numbering systems would be similar even when he came out with an edition for all 2,136 kanji. I finally bought his revised book, and I discovered that he completely redid his numbering scheme. For him, 呂 is kanji 2119. We're no longer synced up. Oh, well! This essay of mine is the first one in which I have reflected his new numbering system. I will gradually add those numbers everywhere necessary.
Ulrike is off and will return next week with new-monics.